03 May 2009

BBD World Lit for May: Russia (the Motherland!)

Okay, "the Motherland" is a joke that nobody but I and.. well, I will get. But crack open the vodka because we're going to Russia this month! Rob welcomes her fellow comrades to Russia with a great post about 20th century Russian writers. The real buzz this month, though, is the Pevear translation of War and Peace, which is what we're tackling for this month's read.

I, personally, got off to a late start with the book because someone in my household was already reading my shiny new copy. Other BBDers have already started to brave the doorstop tome and are finding it brilliant, if unwieldy. Rob posted up some lovely starter info in the discussion thread over at BBD; if you're joining us late for the read, have no fear--some of us read at a snail's pace, so we will be chiming into the discussions for months, I bet!

Next month is China! See you then!

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